The term “Resource Parent” or “Resource Family” is used in the State of California to refer to many types of out-of-home caregivers, including foster parents and adoptive parents.When out-of-home placement is necessary to keep a child safe, Child Welfare Services (CWS) and Probation Departments consider as primary placement options individuals with previous ties to the child, such as relatives, and family friends.
If the primary placement alternatives are not viable, then an effort is made to find Resource Families who can help a child maintain a connection to their community and their culture.
Resource Parents offer a safe environment and play a crucial role in eventually returning the child to their parents. Additionally, Resource Parents can enjoy benefits such as monthly Foster Care Funding and tax credits.
What Are the Basic Requirements to Become a Foster Parent?
If you meet the following requirements, you are cordially invited to take part in an orientation meeting.